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在国家杰出青年科学基金(项目编号:61425019)等项目支持下,复旦大学信息学院电子工程系李翔教授领导的自适应网络与控制(CAN)研究室率先在重构时效网络研究取得重要突破,利用扩散过程的到达时间数据实现了重构随机时效网络的有效推断。这一研究以“Reconstruction of stochastic temporal networks through diffusive arrival times (通过扩散到达时间重构随机时效网络)”为题,于2017年6月12日全文刊发在《自然·通讯》(链接:。李翔教授为该文通信作者,CAN研究室博士生李逊为第一作者。

网络重构一直是复杂网络科学领域中的国际热点问题,时效网络的重构则更具挑战。李逊博士生与李翔教授独辟蹊径,首次从重构时效网络零模型的角度对这一问题开展研究。他们利用时效网络扩散过程的到达时间数据,提取时效网络的拓扑结构和时效交互过程的统计特征,严格证明了推断结构的渐近一致性,通过数值模拟和实际数据加以验证。课题组还将一阶重构模型推广到高阶情形,建立了时效网络零模型的完整体系,并量化了推断一般时效网络的复杂度,系统分析了时效网络拓扑结构及等待时间分布等因素对重构效率的影响。该成果在Nature Communications的匿名同行评议过程中获得了高度评价,评议人称“这一工作毫无疑问是一项重要的贡献(This work brings without hesitation an important contribution)”,是时效网络重构问题的“重要的第一步(an important first step)”。 这一成果在大数据时代尤为重要,为研究动态网络重构问题提供了全新思路,对时效网络的人类动力学分析、流行病扩散与传播推断、舆情分析与预测、数据保护下的社交计算等领域也具有广泛的应用前景。


a.随机时效网络零模型; b. 随机时效网络上的扩散过程; c. 随机时效网络的拓扑推断过程示例



香港城市大学陈关荣教授(IEEE Fellow、欧洲科学院院士、发展中国家科学院院士)于2017年6月5日在恒隆物理楼521会议室,为广大师生带来了“漫谈 如何写好一篇英文科技论文”的讲座报告,整个会议室座无虚席。









Prof. Xiang Li has been included in Elsevier’s 2016 “Most Cited Chinese Researchers (中国高被引学者)”

Prof. Xiang Li  has been included in Elsevier’s 2016 “Most Cited Chinese Researchers (中国高被引学者)”, a listing of 1774 most influential Chinese researchers. Prof. Li has been listed in the field of  “Electrical and Electronic Engineering”. He also has been included in 2015 and 2014 “Most Cited Chinese Researchers” .

Get the entire list of 2016 “Most Cited Chinese Researchers”  in Electrical and Electronic Engineering.

See the news released in  Elsevier Webpage. featured CAN’s familiar stranger identifier work published in EPL 2016

Recently, the science news website has introduced our work entitled “Encounters with ‘familiar strangers’ play overlooked role in human interactions”.
Click to view the full news.

The associated article has been published by Europhysics Letters  in 2016.
More details can be found in the article L. Di, X. Li (correspondence author), Y.Q. Zhang. Identifying familiar strangers in human encounter networks, EPL, 2016, 116, 18006.
DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/116/18006

Familiar strangers, pairs of individuals who encounter repeatedly but never know each other, have been discovered for four decades yet lack an effective method to identify. Here we propose a novel method called familiar stranger classifier (FSC) to identify familiar strangers from three empirical datasets, and classify human relationships into four types, i.e., familiar stranger (FS), in-role (IR), friend (F) and stranger (S). The analyses of the human encounter networks show that the average number of FS one may encounter is finite but larger than the Dunbar Number, and their encounters are structurally more stable and denser than those of S, indicating the encounters of FS are not limited by the social capacity, and more robust than the random scenario. Moreover, the temporal statistics of encounters between FS over the whole time span show strong periodicity, which are diverse from the bursts of encounters within one day, suggesting the significance of longitudinal patterns of human encounters. The proposed method to identify FS in this paper provides a valid framework to understand human encounter patterns and analyse complex human social behaviors.