《TCCT 通讯》2016年第9期的”控制学人“栏目中, 介绍了李翔教授等三位在控制及相关领域表现活跃优秀的教授学者.
此期在教师节来临之际发行, 我实验室在此祝愿各位老师教师节快乐~
《TCCT 通讯》2016年第9期的”控制学人“栏目中, 介绍了李翔教授等三位在控制及相关领域表现活跃优秀的教授学者.
此期在教师节来临之际发行, 我实验室在此祝愿各位老师教师节快乐~
国家自然科学基金委员会日前公布2016年国家自然科学基金立项情况. 李聪博士课题《时效复杂网络的图谱分析及应》获国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目立项支持.
基于2014年在Chinese Science Bulletin发表文章数量及文章的创新性, 科学影响力, 社会影响力等指标, Science Bulletin编委会和编辑部近日综合评选出”最具贡献作者”5位和”优秀作者”8位. 凭借与时实验室博士生王林博士合作的文章, 李翔教授入选”最具贡献作者”.
发表的相关文章: Wang L, Li X. Spatial epidemiology of networked metapopulation: an overview. Chin Sci Bull, 2014, 59(28): 3511-3522
详细获奖名单请见: Science Bulletin“最具贡献作者”和“优秀作者”评选揭晓
2016年7月, 李翔教授成为复旦大学专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室固定成员.
专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室 (asic-skl.fudan.edu.cn) 于1989年经国家计委批准建设, 1995年9月正式通过国家验收. 实验室依托复旦大学国家重点一级学科“电子科学与技术”, 以及“微电子学与固体电子学”与“电路与系统”两个国家重点二级学科.
Professor Piet Van Mieghem from Delft University of Technology gave an invited talk at 9:00 am. June 17th 2016. The topic is “Epidemics on networks”. The abstract is as the attachment.
During the about two and half hours talk, Prof. Mieghem introduced some results about this topic over the last 10 years investigation by his group. Around 20 professors, doctors and students also joined this discussion.
To further track the most cutting-edge academic trends of network theory and application, promote the development of scientific research, this ‘Research Center of Smart Networks and Systems’ was launched by RCSNS of Fudan University on June 16 in the Henglong Physical Building.
In the first stage, Chair, the founding director of RCSNS, Prof. Xiang Li welcomed all of attendees. And later, Prof. Piet Van Mieghem from Delft University of Technology gave a lecture on Time-varying SIS prevalence in networks. The second lecture was given by Dr. Gang Yan from Northeastern University. Network control and its application to nervous systems were introduced.
After tea break, Dr. Huijuan Wang chaired the forum. In the lecture of Dr. Michele Starnini from Universitat de Barcelona, Temporal network modeling of social interactions was focused on. Later, “Familiar Stranger” Phenomenon in a Large-scale VoD System was lectured by Dr. Yuedong Xu from Fudan University.
After the lunch break, the forum was resumed and chaired by Prof. Piet Van Mieghem. First lecture was given by Prof. Xiaofan Wang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which discussed the Quantization Effect on Complex Networks. Then, Dr. Huijuan Wang from Delft University of Technology delivered a lecture on Epidemic Mitigation via Awareness Propagation in Communications Network: the Role of Time Scale.
During the subsequent tea break, photographs of some major attendees are taken as a souvenir.
The last stage was chaired by Dr. Cong Li, an associate professor of RCSNS, from Fudan University. Dr. Changbing Tang from Zhejiang Normal University gave a lecture on “Game Optimization for the Unreliable Wireless Cooperations with Indirect Reciprocity”. PhD candidate Yiling Yuan from Fudan University gave a lecture on “Resource allocation for D2D communication in cellular networks: A matching theory framework”. Dr. Yiqing Zhang from Fudan University gave a lecture on “Estimating Epidemic Thresholds in a Temporal-networked Cyber-social Population”. Finally, Prof. Xiang Li thanked all speakers for their excellent reports and concluded the forum.
Under the framework of network science covering both theory and applications, Prof. Xiaofan Wang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Prof. Piet van Mieghem from Delft University, Dr. Michele Starnini from Universitat de Barcelona and other scholars gave their wonderful lectures, especially around “Network Quantization”, “Epidemic Prevalence in Time-Varying Networks”, “Network Modeling and Analysis”, “The Control of Networks”, “Game Theory on Networks”, etc. Far from being affected by English communication, lots of hot issues and topics in academy have been warmly discussed by more than sixty attendees. All reports themselves are extraordinary splendid. Behind the meticulous analysis of complicated issues, after the rigorous theoretical deduction of mathematical logic, beneath the graceful conclusions, brand new ponder and exploration are once more appeared in front of us. This frontier forum not only is the harvest of knowledge and inspiration, but also provides us an opportunity to have a close contact with academic elites, yet still be an intoxicating academic journey.
Topic: Frontier Forum of network science
Time: 16th June, 2016
Venue: Room 521, Henglong Physical Building, Fudan University, Shanghai
Forum Sponsor: Research Center of Smart Networks and Systems (RCSNS), School of Information Science and Engineering, Fudan University
Chair: Xiang Li, Huijuan Wang, Piet Van Mieghem, Cong Li
Attendees: Xiaofan Wang, Piet Van Mieghem,Michele Starnini,HuijuanWang, Gang Yan, Jianguo Liu, Changbing Tang, Tao Yang, Yuedong Xu, the teachers and students of RCSNS, the teachers and students of Fudan University, the teachers and students of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, the teachers and students of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Speaker: Piet Van Mieghem, Gang Yan, Michele Starnini, Yuedong Xu, Xiaofan Wang, Huijuan Wang, Changbing Tang, Yiling Yuan, Yiqing Zhang
Author: Baoyu Hou