Category Archives: Students

Ying-Xuan NIE (聂滢璇)

Ms. Nie received the B.E. degree in Automation, from Donghua University in 2020, Shanghai, China. She is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree in department of electronic engineering, from Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Her research interest is controllability of complex networks.

Jin-Ying DAI (代金英)

Dai received her M.S. degree from the School of Computer Science at Central South University in Changsha, Hunan Province, China, where he is currently working toward the Ph.D. degree.
Her research interest is the propagation dynamics of complex networks.
Her publications:
Jinying Dai, B. Wang, J.F. Sheng , et al. Identifying Influential Nodes in Complex Networks based on Local Neighbor Contribution[J]. IEEE Access, 2019, PP(99):1-1.
J.F. Sheng, Jinying Dai, B. Wang, et al. Identifying influential nodes in complex networks based on global and local structure[J]. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2020, PP(123262).




Rezwan Al Islam Khan

Mr. Rezwan received BS degree in Computer Science and MS in Telecommunication Engineering from Independent University Bangladesh (IUB). Before starting his PhD candidature at Fudan University, he used to work as Assistant Professor at Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Southeast University (Bangladesh). His research interest include embedded system, control system and robotics.


[1] Anwer M., Kalam N., Khan R.-.A.-I., De-noising Speech Signal Using Composite Wavelets and
Grazing Estimation Methods , Journal of Emerging Trends in Computing and Information Sciences, ISSN 2079-8407, Vol. 4, No. 11 November 2013.

[2] Anwer M., Khan R.-.A.-I., Voice identification Using a Composite Haar Wavelets and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition , International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies, ISSN 2028-9324 Vol. 4 No. 2 Oct. 2013, pp. 353-358

[3] Khan R.-A.-I., Anwer M. Graphical Tools for Computer Algorithms Using OpenGL , In 7th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2004.

[4] Khan R.-A.-I, Salim K.M. Microcontroller Based Data Acquisition System Used In Calculating Gravitational Acceleration In 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2005.

[5] Kalam N., Anwer M., Khan R.-A.-I, .Enhancement of Bayesian Spam Filter In 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 2005.

Li-Wan QI (祁丽婉)

Ms. Qi has received her Master’s Degree in Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems , North China Electric Power University in 2015. She is a Ph.D. candidate in Circuit and Systems, Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University in 2019. Her current interests are in edge Computing in Energy Internet.