Category Archives: Students

Ang LI (李昂)

Mr. Li received his  Master’s degree in the Adaptive Networks and Control Laboratory, Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, under the supervision of Prof. Xiang LI, 2015, and his B.S. degrees in communication engineering from PLA Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou, China, 2007.

His research interests mainly focus on evolutionary game theory and game-theoretical optimization on vertex cover.

His academic dissertation:

“Towards evolutionary game optimizations to vertex cover of networks” (<基于演化博弈的网络点覆盖优化算法研究>)

His publication:


  1. C.B. Tang, A. Li, Xiang Li(correspondence author), When reputation enforces evolutionary cooperation in unreliable MANETs, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 2014,  in press. (Regular Paper)

Baoyu HOU (侯宝玉)

Mr. Hou is now a PhD candidate. He was awarded The Excellent Master Dissertation of Shanghai Municipality, China, 2014. 2013 Master of Science in Operational Research, Shanghai University. 2010 Bachelor of Science in Math, Qingdao University.

Chen SHEN (沈忱)

Post Graduate for Master degree in Fudan University, 2013 B.A. in Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Mr. Shen is interested in development of mobile ECG applications, detection for heart disease and time series analysis.

Di LIANG (梁迪)

Post Graduate for Master degree in Fudan University, 2013 B.A. in Electronic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai, China.

Miss Liang is interested in social network, human dynamics and location-based social behaviors.

Jianbo WANG (王建波)

PhD candidate in EE, FDU. 2010 Master of system theory, USST, Shanghai, China. 2005 Bachelor in electronic science and technology, HFUT, Hefei, China. Mr. Wang’s current interests are in process identification and identifiability of spatial epidemic.

His publications:


  1. C.B. Tang, B. Wu, J.B. Wang, Xiang Li(correspondence author),  Evolutionary origin of asymptotically stable consensus, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4590.


  1. C.B. Tang, F.Y. Chen, J.B. Wang, Xiang Li(correspondence author), Extending local passivity theory and Hopf bifurcation at the edge of chaos in Oregonator CNN, Int. Journal of Bifurcations and Chaos, 2012, 22(11), 1250285.

Jing CUI (崔靖)

2015 Master in Electronic Information Science and Technology in Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
2012 B. S. in Electronic Information Science and Technology in Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
Her research interests are metrics of  temporal networks and modeling social networks in temporal way.

Her academic dissertation:
“The structures and evolution rules of temporal social networks” (<时效社交网络的结构与演化>)

Her works:
Jing Cui, Yi-Qing Zhang, Xiang Li, “On the clustering coefficients of temporal networks and epidemic dynamics,” Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2013 IEEE International Symposium on , pp.2299,2302, 19-23 May 2013 doi: 10.1109/ISCAS.2013.6572337

Jing Cui, Yi-Qing Zhang, Xiang Li, “Contextual Relationship in Temporal Social Networks: Circle Link”, 2014 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory & its Applications(NOLTA), 2014