Dr. Dun HAN (韩敦)
Dr.Han received the Ph.D. degree in Faculty of Science from Jiangsu University in 2016. He was a joint education doctor student at the Levich Institute and Department of Physics, City College of New York in 2014 (advisor: Prof. Hernan Makse), and he visited the Network Science group of Prof. H. Eugene Stanley, Center of Polymer Studies and Department of Physics, BostonUniversity in 2017. He is currently proceeding to a post-doctoral research in Electronic Engineering Department, Fudan University.
He received the China Postdoctoral Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation for Young Scholar of China, and Natural science foundation of Jiangsu Province in 2018.
His main research interests includes modeling and analysis for complex networks, including evolutionary game dynamics, nonlinear dynamics, multiplex networks etc.