How to use the data set
This data set contains the following four independent data files:
- File1_AccessLogs.csv
- File2_LocationData.csv
- File3_InteractionData.txt
- File4_sampledInteractionData.csv
This dataset was collected by Fudan WiFi project, with support from Fudan Univeristy.
If you use this data set, cite the following paper in your publications:
Y.-Q. Zhang, X. Li, J. Xu and A. V. Vasilakos, Human Interactive Patterns in Temporal Networks, IEEE Transcations on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems. vol. 45, pp.214-222, 2015
Download data
The description document: The Open Data Set of FudanWiFi09
The dataset of FudanWiFi09: Dataset_FudanWiFi09
Copyright (C) 2014 Yi-Qing Zhang and Xiang Li.
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